Introduction of Government Bills and First Reading
The introduction of a bill is a formality. There is no debate, and motions are automatically passed. The purpose of the introduction is not to actually read the bill out loud, but to announce it and to allow the bill to be printed.
[If you have prepared your own bill for the simulation, you will need to identify the minister appropriate to its subject matter as the mover and another minister as the seconder of the motion.]
Key Players
Senate: Speaker, Government Leader
House of Commons: Speaker, a Cabinet minister
- Speaker
- "Introduction of government bills.
- Senator (surname of Government Leader)."
- Government Leader
- [Stand.] "I have the honour to present a bill entitled: the (name of bill)"
- Speaker
- "First reading of this bill."
- "When shall this bill be read a second time?"
- Government Leader
- "Two days hence." [Sit.]
[This motion means the future sitting for this item shall come up according to the priority given to it by the Standing Orders of the House.]
House of Commons
- Speaker
- "Introduction of government bills.
- The Honourable Minister of (name of Cabinet position)"
- Minister
- [Nod to indicate assent to proceed.]
- Speaker
- "The Honourable Minister of (name of Cabinet position)” [Minister stands and nods to the Speaker then sits immediately.] seconded by the Honourable Minister of (name of Cabinet position) [Minister nods to Speaker.] moves for leave to introduce a bill entitled the (name of bill). Is it the pleasure of the House to adopt this motion?"
- All MPs
- "Agreed."
- Speaker
- "I declare this motion carried."
[This motion is automatically carried without debate, amendment or question put (i.e., without a vote or decision of the House).]
- Speaker
- "It is moved by (name of Cabinet position) [Minister stands and nods.] seconded by (name of Cabinet position) [Minister nods to Speaker.] that the bill be now read a first time and be printed. Is it the pleasure of the House to adopt the motion?"
- All MPs
- "Agreed."
- Speaker
- "I declare this motion carried."
[This motion is automatically carried without debate, amendment or question put (i.e., without a vote or decision of the House).]
- Clerk
- "First reading of this bill."
- Speaker
- "When shall the bill be read a second time?
- At the next sitting of the House? [Looks to the House for approval.] Agreed."
[This places the bill on the agenda of the House. Despite the wording of this motion, the bill is not necessarily debated at the very next sitting of the House, but at a next sitting to be determined by the Government House Leader.]