British Columbia's Profile
Economic Indicators in 2021
- Gross domestic product (GDP): $350.6 billion
- GDP per capita: $67,400
- Population: 5.2 million
- International merchandise exports and imports: 39.6% of GDP
Economic Activity by Sector in 2022
- Goods: 26.0% of GDP
- Construction: 10.3% of total GDP
- Manufacturing: 6.2% of total GDP
- Services: 74.0% of GDP
- Real estate, and rental and leasing: 17.7% of total GDP
- Health care and social assistance: 7.5% of total GDP
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Alexia Lagacé-Roy
Research and Education
Publication No. 2023-500-E
25 September 2023
British Columbia's Merchandise Trade
British Columbia's merchandise trade with the world in 2021: $138.8 billion
- Exports: $60.0 billion, a 33.8% increase from 2020
- Imports: $78.8 billion, an 18.7% increase from 2020
Trade deficit in 2021: $18.8 billion, a decrease from $21.5 billion in 2020
Exports in 2021: 9.5% of the total value of Canadian exports, an increase from 8.7% in 2020
Imports in 2021: 12.1% of the total value of Canadian imports, an increase from 11.4% in 2020
Exports as a percentage of GDP in 2021:
- British Columbia – 17.1%, an increase from 14.6% in 2020
- Canada – 25.2%, an increase from 23.5% in 2020
Imports as a percentage of GDP in 2021:
- British Columbia – 22.5%, an increase from 21.6% in 2020
- Canada – 26.0%, a decrease from 26.4% in 2020
Exports in 2022:
- Resource-based goods – 45.1%, an increase from 38.5% in 2021
- Manufactured goods – 54.9%, a decrease from 61.5% in 2021
Highest-valued exports in 2022: Coal and natural gas, together accounting for 30.2% of the total value of provincial exports
- Coal: $11.9 billion, an increase from $7.2 billion in 2021
- Natural gas: $8.1 billion, an increase from $5.4 billion in 2021
Major export destinations, by region, in 2022:
- United States, at 57.0% of the total value of exports
- Asia, at 35.5% of the total value of exports
- Europe, at 4.1% of the total value of exports
Major export destinations, by country, in 2022:
- United States, at $37.4 billion
- China, at $8.7 billion
- Japan, at $6.1 billion
British Columbia's Services Trade
British Columbia's services trade with the world in 2021: $34.3 billion
- Exports: $22.5 billion, a 7.3% increase from 2020
- Imports: $11.8 billion, a 9.7% decrease from 2020
Trade surplus in 2021: $10.7 billion, an increase from $7.9 billion in 2020