The Library of Parliament is a non-partisan organization that supports Canadian parliamentary democracy and provides a stimulating and rewarding work environment. We recognize that our employees are our most important asset, which is why we offer excellent benefits, a minimum of four weeks’ vacation leave, flexible work schedule options, a 35-hour work week, learning opportunities to support professional and career development, competitive salaries and more!

The Library of Parliament believes that the excellence for which it is known is enhanced by nurturing an inclusive workplace that embraces diversity, values differences and supports the full participation of all employees. The Library is committed to creating and maintaining a diverse workforce reflecting the communities in which we live and work, the clients with whom we work, and Canadian society as a whole.

Information and Collection provides high-quality, substantive and timely information, reference and documentation services to parliamentarians and their staff by building, managing, preserving and optimizing access to the Library’s information assets.

We are currently seeking candidates to staff the following position: Information and Research Technician (2 determinate positions)

Information and research technicians provide parliamentarians and other authorized clients with bilingual, confidential, authoritative, reliable and non-partisan reference services on a wide range of current topics and issues. Technicians also work as a team to respond to inquiries from the public about the role, history and work of the Parliament of Canada.



Determinate 12 Months (2) Positions / Acting Position / Secondment

LT-4* (62,179 – $71,095)
Bilingual staffing – imperative (CBC/CBC)

For the purposes of this selection process, the competencies listed in the attached Competency Profile will be evaluated.

Note:  While this position is eligible for part-time telework, regular on-site presence is required at Library of Parliament workplaces
* Salary scale is based on 2019 rates

The following knowledge criteria will also be evaluated:
• Knowledge of research techniques and tools used to retrieve information from catalogues, online databases and websites
• Knowledge of the Canadian parliamentary system, the federal government and parliamentary publications
• Knowledge of current affairs that are of interest to parliamentarians and the public

To be considered, candidates must have:
• A library technician diploma or a diploma from an accredited post-secondary institution in a related field combined with applicable experience.
• Experience providing customer service to meet clients’ needs in a timely manner

• Experience providing information or reference services
• Experience working in a library or information centre 

Operational Requirements:
• Technicians may be required to work an evening duty shift every 3-4 weeks (during sitting weeks). These hours would be 10:30AM - 7:00PM.

Candidates retained in this selection process will be required to obtain successfully:
• A second-language evaluation (Bilingual staffing – imperative: CBC/CBC)
• A pre-employment screening

Additional Information:
• The Library of Parliament welcomes all candidates to apply and encourages applications from Indigenous persons, racialized persons, 2SLGBTQI+ persons, and persons with disabilities for this position.
• This selection process is open to the public.
• This selection process may include a second-language evaluation, a written qualifying exam, and an interview. The interview will consist of behavioural, situational and knowledge-based questions. Candidates will be required to pass each stage in order to move to the next stage of the selection process.
• We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the staffing process. If you require accommodations during any phase of the evaluation process, please contact us at
• Qualified candidates from this selection process may be considered for determinate or indeterminate positions at the Library of Parliament that require similar knowledge and/or competencies.
• The vaccination requirement for employees of the Library of Parliament established by the Policy on COVID-19 Vaccination was suspended. The Library of Parliament will continue to follow the situation closely, and should the epidemiological conditions change, we will assess whether there is a need to reinstate the vaccination policy and the associated essential condition of employment applicable to indeterminate, determinate, student and intern hiring.
• Education and experience requirements will be used to determine which candidates will be asked to participate in the next stage of the selection process.
• Satisfactory references and proof of education are essential conditions of appointment.
• Travel and relocation expenses are the responsibility of the candidates.
• Only those legally permitted to work in Canada can participate in this selection process.

Apply no later than  October 2, 2023 11:59 PM  Eastern Time.

To apply, please send us your curriculum vitae, along with a covering letter indicating how you meet each of the education and experience requirements of the position. 

Please quote your full name and process number 23-LOP-217 in your documents and in the subject line of your email.

Send your application by email at

Questions? Contact Human Resources at

We thank you for your interest. Please note that only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Competency Profile for Information Dissemination – Technician

Adapting in order to work effectively in ambiguous or changing situations, and with diverse individuals and groups

Level 2: Adapts to situations.
• Changes own behaviour or approach to suit the situation.
• Adjusts rules or procedures, based on the situation, while remaining guided by the organization’s values.
• Adapts behaviour to perform effectively under changing or unclear conditions.

Providing service excellence to internal and/or external clients, addressing immediate and evolving client needs

Level 2: Maintains client contact.
• Follows up with clients during and after delivery of services to ensure that their needs have been met.
• Keeps clients up to date on the progress of the service they are receiving and changes that affect them.
• Maintains service to clients during critical periods.
• Addresses clients’ issues in order of priority.

Treating others fairly, honestly and respectfully, furthering the integrity of the organization and its relationships of trust within the work environment and in the broader community

Level 1: Acts in fair and ethical manner toward others.
• Treats everyone equally with fairness, honesty and respect all the time.
• Refrains from behaviour or language that is exclusionary or offensive.
• Focuses on organizational success rather than personal gain.
• Follows through consistently on promises and commitments made to others.
• Presents facts and circumstances transparently, no matter how difficult the facts may be.
• Guards confidential and sensitive information, passing it on only to those that need to know.
• Maintains ethical principles even in the most challenging circumstances.

Understanding the workings, structure, culture and distribution of power within and beyond the organization and for Parliament as a whole, and applying this understanding to solve problems and achieve desired outcomes

Level 2: Understands and applies informal organizational structures and processes.
• Identifies the unwritten, informal structures, culture, rules, power dynamics and decision-making processes.
• Builds an informal network of relationships to facilitate progress toward objectives.
• Positions arguments based on an understanding of informal communities of shared interest.
• Recognizes unspoken organizational constraints – what is and is not possible at certain times or at certain levels.
• Applies both formal and informal channels or networks for acquiring information and assistance and for accomplishing work goals.

Locating and retrieving data/information from a wide variety of sources and analyzing it to extract insights and meaning

Level 3: Demonstrates intermediate knowledge and ability, and applies the competency, with minimal or no guidance, in the full range of typical situations. Requires guidance to handle novel or more complex situations.
• Processes complex data/information from various sources.
• Evaluates data sources using objective criteria.
• Seeks expertise to discern and compare information or to clarify a problem.
• Maximizes the potential of available technology to identify relevant information.
• Processes large volumes of information, discerning relevant and irrelevant information under tight deadlines.
• Communicates the results of retrieval and analysis tasks in a way that is usable and actionable by the intended audience.

Implementing procedures and standards to ensure high-quality results, and taking action to identify or manage quality issues, as appropriate

Level 2: Consistently meets quality standards set by the organization.
• Answers basic questions related to policies and procedures for quality assurance set by the organization.
• Exemplifies quality standards set by the organization.
• Seeks opportunities to improve how work is done, raising the quality of the output.

Communicating clearly and respectfully with different audiences, both orally and in writing

Level 3: Adapts communication.
• Tailors communication (e.g., content, style, tone and medium) to diverse audiences and readerships.
• Reads cues from diverse audiences to assess when and how to change planned communication approach to deliver message effectively.
• Communicates with varying organizational levels, sometimes on the spot.
• Recognizes others’ complex or underlying needs, motivations or concerns, communicating effectively despite the sensitivity of the situation.
• Conveys important nuances and context to facilitate understanding of the message or material.

Working collaboratively with others to achieve organizational goals

Level 2: Proactively assists and involves others.
• Initiates collaboration with others.
• Assumes additional responsibilities to facilitate the achievement of team goals.
• Seeks input from other team members on matters that affect them.
• Provides input to other team members as needed.

Analyzing and synthesizing information to understand issues, identify options and support sound decision-making

Level 2: Identifies critical relationships in information.
• Identifies critical connections and patterns in information and data.
• Draws logical conclusions based on an in-depth analysis of information.
• Recognizes causes and consequences of actions and events that are not readily apparent.
• Anticipates obstacles in considering next steps.