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Fisheries (1930-06-14 - 1969-03-31)

The office of Minister of Marine and Fisheries was abolished and the offices of Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Marine were created by Statute 20-21 George V, c. 21 and c. 31 respectively, both assented to May 30, 1930 and proclaimed in force June 14, 1930.

  • 1969-04-01
    Department Change
    The offices of Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Forestry and Rural Development were abolished and the office of Minister of Fisheries and Forestry was created by Statute 17-18 Elizabeth II, c. 28, assented to March 28, 1969 and in force April 1, 1969.

Preceded By

  • Marine and Fisheries (1867-07-01 - 1930-06-13)

    This portfolio was established by Order in Council on July 1, 1867. It was given statutory basis by Statute 31 Victoria, c. 57, assented to May 22, 1868.

Succeeded by

  • Fisheries and Forestry (1969-04-01 - 1971-06-10)

    The offices of Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Forestry and Rural Development were abolished and the office of Minister of Fisheries and Forestry was created by Statute 17-18 Elizabeth II, c. 28, assented to March 28, 1969 and in force April 1, 1969.

Historical Table of Roles and Responsibilities