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Forestry (1990-02-23 - 1995-01-11)

The office of Minister of Forestry was recreated by Statute 38 Elizabeth II, c.27 (1989), assented to on December 21, 1989 and in force on February 23, 1990.

  • 1995-01-12
    Department Change
    The offices of Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, and Minister of Forestry were abolished and the office of Minister of Natural Resources was created by Statute 42-43 Elizabeth II, c. 41 (1994), assented to December 15, 1994 and proclaimed in force January 12, 1995.
  • 1993-06-25
    Department Change
    During the 25th Ministry, the portfolios of Forestry, and of Energy, Mines and Resources were to be restructured into a new Natural Resources portfolio pending the eventual passage of a Government Organization Act. Until passage of the new departmental statute, the Minister had been formally appointed to the existing portfolios from which the new portfolio was being created. The new responsibilities, however, took effect immediately. Parliament was dissolved before this change could take place.
  • 1993-11-04
    Department Change
    On November 4, 1993, the Minister was formally appointed to the existing portfolios (Forestry, and Energy, Mines and Resources) from which the new portfolio (Natural Resources) was being created. The new responsibilities, took full effect immediately.

Preceded By

  • Fisheries and Forestry (1969-04-01 - 1971-06-10)

    The offices of Minister of Fisheries and Minister of Forestry and Rural Development were abolished and the office of Minister of Fisheries and Forestry was created by Statute 17-18 Elizabeth II, c. 28, assented to March 28, 1969 and in force April 1, 1969.

Succeeded by

  • Natural Resources (1995-01-12 -  )

    The offices of Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, and Minister of Forestry were abolished and the office of Minister of Natural Resources was created by Statute 42-43 Elizabeth II, c. 41 (1994), assented to December 15, 1994 and proclaimed in force January 12, 1995.

Historical Table of Roles and Responsibilities