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Western Diversification Office (1987-08-04 - 1988-06-27)

Pursuant to Order in Council P.C. 1987-1621 dated 4 August 1987, the appropriate Minister with respect to the Western Diversification Office was the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.

  • 1987-08-04
    SI/87-174 (P.C. 1987-1621): Order designating the Western Diversification Office as a department and the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs as Appropriate Minister.
  • 1988-06-28
    Department Change
    The office of Minister of Western Economic Diversification was created by Statute 35-36-37 Elizabeth II, c. 17, and assented to on 8 June 1988, in force on 28 June 1988.

Succeeded by

Historical Table of Roles and Responsibilities