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Inland Revenue (1892-12-03 - 1897-06-28)

The office of Minister of Inland Revenue was abolished and the position of Controller of Inland Revenue created by Statute 50-51 Victoria, c. 11, assented to June 23, 1887 and proclaimed in force December 3, 1892. This office was not a Cabinet portfolio per se, though frequently the incumbent was sworn of the Privy Council and attended Cabinet meetings.

  • 1897-06-29
    Department Change
    The office of Controller of Inland Revenue was abolished and the portfolio of Minister of Inland Revenue was revived by Statute 60-61 Victoria, c. 18, assented to June 29, 1897.

Preceded By

  • Inland Revenue (1867-07-01 - 1892-12-02)

    This portfolio was established by Order in Council on July 1, 1867. It was given statutory basis by Statute 31 Victoria, c. 49, assented to May 22, 1868.

Succeeded by

  • Inland Revenue (1897-06-29 - 1918-05-17)

    The office of Controller of Inland Revenue was abolished and the portfolio of Minister of Inland Revenue was revived by Statute 60-61 Victoria, c. 18, assented to June 29, 1897.

Historical Table of Roles and Responsibilities